Flowers represent our culture and our traditions. They speak a secret language, communicate heartfelt emotions and decorate our homes and property. But have you ever thought of flowers as art? This month, we celebrate this aspect of the spectacular blooms we love.
The natural artistic qualities of the beautiful flowers has long been recognized – they have been found on pieces dating back to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Through the Renaissance and into modern times, flowers are a favorite subject in art pieces- even children begin to draw them as soon as they can hold a crayon! But on February 28 – National Floral Design Day – the flowers themselves become the medium. No paint, crayon or pencil needed – floral works of art are living masterpieces.

National Floral Design Day is observed in remembrance of Carl Rittners, the founder of the School of Floral Design in Boston. He is considered a pioneer, and leading champion of floral design education. Professional florists around the country unofficially pay homage each and every day, as they use the varied shapes and colors of floral elements to design one of a kind arrangements.

You may not have thought of a bouquet of flowers as artwork, but creative floral professionals know that by utilizing principles of space, balance, architecture and texture, a truly special display will emerge. The addition of the right container and aesthetic details can result in an elegant piece worthy of critical acclaim.
This February, on National Floral Design Day, ask the experts at Bagoy’s Florist & Home to imagine a bouquet – give us a price range, a color palette and a theme and let us bring a unique floral arrangement to life. Whether for yourself or a special loved one, we’ll create a masterpiece with flowers.