What the world needs right now, is a lot of good neighbors! National Good Neighbor Day is celebrated each year on September 28. The day recognizes the importance of treating other people with neighborly kindness. After all, we all love having a great neighbor – but BEING a good neighbor is amazing!
Neighbors share coffee, watch our house when we are away, babysit our kids or pets; they lend a hand when we need some help and lend an ear when we need advice. Good neighbors often become even better friends, and that is a wonderful thing. At Bagoy’s Florist & Home, we value the friendships we have formed with our neighbors in the community.

Therefore we would like to do our part to spread the goodwill . On National Good Neighbor Day, as long as supplies last, every walk-in customer will receive three free wrapped roses to give to your friends and neighbors! Stop in at either location, but don’t miss this opportunity to spread a little joy and share a little love with your neighbors. Just imagine if everyone in our community looked for little ways to make someone’s day a little brighter!

On National Good Neighbor Day, bake some cookies, mow a lawn – or give three beautiful roses from Bagoy’s Florist and Home!