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Posted by Chanda Mines on August 17, 2015 | Last Updated: October 12, 2020 Flowers Summer

Fun Facts About the Gladiolus

gladilousThe gladiolus flower is the birth flower of August, and as such we expect to see it included in many of the floral bouquets sent this month. The bloom has numerous meanings, but you can be sure the gladiola will make a striking statement no matter what your sentiment. .


This dramatic and beautiful flower will capture both the eye and the heart. Its tall and majestic stalks are covered on both sides with vibrantly colored blossoms – from white to orange to purple, a gladiolus bloom is hard to ignore. Trumpet shaped flowers have frilled, ruffled leaves and often exhibit brilliant combinations and patterns of color. The gladiola’s most well known association stems directly from its name. Derived from the Latin “gladius”, which means “sword” , the gladiolus is so named because its long, blade like leaves resemble a gladiator’s sword. It should therefore come as no surprise that the flower has come to symbolize strength, victory, integrity and pride. If a gladiator won his battle, spectators would shower the victor with gladiolus flowers.


The gladiolus’ pointy leaves and sharp spike of flowers was also rumored to have the ability to pierce the heart of a loved one. Therefore, if you have a special infatuation for someone, this is a great option to express love at first sight or secret love. Alternately, gladiolas are often used as a tribute for those you loved, making them a traditional choice for memorial arrangements.


Gladiolus has long been used as a backdrop for gardens, and as such evoke feelings of country wildflowers and homespun bouquets. It’s tall stalks rely on fence posts or the side of a home to grow to their full stature; when used as cuttings the glads present an impressively statuesque floral arrangement. Birthday wishes or true love; infatuation or remembrance, the gladiolus flower is the perfect choice. Come into Bagoy’s Florist of Anchorage today for ideas about how to incorporate the gladiola into your special bouquet.