Bagoy's Florist and Home

Bagoy's Florist and Home

Posted by bagoys on April 2, 2018 | Last Updated: January 24, 2020 Welcome

Plants And Flowers For A Healthier Spring

We here at Bagoy’s Florist & Home welcome spring for so many reasons, not least of which is the chance to clean and organize our homes for the season. We love the opportunity for a refresh and a reset, and one of the best ways to achieve both is to introduce new plants and flowers into our homes. Our healthy plants line is the perfect way to both refresh your home and to ensure that you’re creating a healthier environment too.

Plants help oxygenate our homes, along with providing a connection to nature. The benefits of having something green growing in your personal space are manifold, whether you choose succulents or something a little more leafy. Plants have been known to help eradicate certain toxins like formaldehyde according to NASA. Many houseplants are also easy to grow and require little sunlight or water, making them the perfect companions to your living space.




There’s no time like the spring to add some green to your home. You’ll be cleaning the air and lifting your spirit at the same time. Our inventory includes a variety of plants, but no matter which you choose, all have benefits to the health and well being of your and yours.