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Posted by bagoys on March 5, 2020 | Last Updated: March 12, 2020 Welcome

Special Famous Ladies and Their Favorite Special Flowers

In honor of Women’s History Month, Anchorage’s best florist Bagoy’s, is celebrating women’s contributions to the floral industry by focusing on an important female who made a significant impact on our business.  Also, we happen to have a list of some famous women and their favorite flowers. What does your favorite flower say about you?

Audrey Hepburn – Lily of the Valley

Audrey Hepburn was the epitome of grace and style. Her favorite flower is also graceful and stylish – the Lily of the Valley. A fashion icon and talented actress, Audrey was also well known for the humanitarian work she performed in third world nations. The Lily of the Valley symbolizes purity, happiness, grace, and sweetness – all traits Audrey Hepburn had in spades.

Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley

Jennifer Lopez – White Lilies and Roses

J-Lo’s favorite flowers are actually lilies and roses white. This superstar female hasn’t only mastered singing and dancing, but composing and acting as well. So, what’s it that attracts her to white roses and lilies? Possibly the perfection of the white rose as well as its significance of honesty and purity. For the lily, it can be the magnificence this particular floral exudes along with its nice fragrance and symbolism of majesty, productiveness, and strength. The two of these flowers represent traits J lo possesses in abundance.

White Lilies

White Lilies

Lady Bird Johnson – Lavender Bluebell

Lady Bird Johnson enjoyed wildflowers, as well as her favorite, was the lavender-colored bluebell. Meaning gratitude, humility, and devotion the bluebell floral is actually a charming and beautiful floral with blooms in the form of bells. Lady Bird really helped institute the Highway Beautification Act ensuring U.S. Highways were lined with plants that are native and flowers rather than junkyards, and she also went on to set the National Wildflower Research Center, today is known as the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.



Michelle Obama – Hydrangeas and Pink Roses

The pink rose is one of Michelle Obama’s favorite flowers, with hydrangeas being her other favorite. Representing grace, elegance, refinement, and femininity, the pink rose is the perfect embodiment of traits possessed by this Former First Lady as well. An advocate for healthy living, it was her mission during her stint at the White House, to get healthier food into the schools so kids could start their days off right.

Pretty pink roses, carnations, hydrangea and assorted pink tone flowers in a delicate vase design.

Pink Celebration